shown is a deluxe oven "flat floor" version, it is meant for rolling in carts
we offer the deluxe oven in a "flat floor version and also with casters for rolling around your shop
inside the deluxe oven it includes 3 shelves, over head trolley and a light fixture
the shelves are welded box tubing with expanded metal welded to that framing. the shelves are removable
the over head trolley is a piece of track that includes 2 rollers for hanging large parts to move into the oven a handy feature if you dont have roll in carts. max weight is 200lbs
deluxe oven specs:
internal size: 40" w 44" deep 72" tall
heating power : 12kw
power requirements: 240v single phase 53amps
welded C-channel construction
g90 galvanized sheeting
1200f mineral wool insulation
wiring ran external
high temperature wire ran to heaters
digital PID temperature thermostat
magnetic relay outputs
circulation fan
welded door hinges
cam lock latches
max temp 500f
heat up time on 240v 12-14 mins empty.
powder coating
ceramic coatings
low temp applications
price: $3950.00
same price for either version, flat floor or with casters.
requires manual disconnect supplied by installer at oven during hookup
ovens are not UL listed